FTP Password Recovery is a free command-line tool to find your lost or forgotten FTP password for any FTP server.
It automatically detects if the target FTP server allows any Anonymous (without password) connections. In case your FTP server is running on different port (other than port 21) then you can easily specify the same in the tool along with server IP address.
It uses simple dictionary based password recovery method. By default it includes sample dictionary (password list) file containing common FTP login passwords.However you can find good collection of password dictionaries (also called wordlists) here & here.
For complex passwords, you can use tools like Crunch, Cupp to generate brute-force based or any custom password list file and then use it with this tool.
- Free tool to recover the lost or Forgotten FTP password
- Remotely recover your password for any FTP server
- Option to specify non-standard FTP port
- Automatically detects any Anonymous users
- Uses siimple & quicker Dictionary Crack method
- Includes password dictionary file having common FTP passwords
- Copies the recovered FTP password to clipboard
- Includes Installer for local Installation & Uninstallation
FTP Password Recovery comes with Installer to help in local installation & un-installation. This installer has intuitive wizard which guides you through series of steps in completion of installation.
At any point of time, you can uninstall the product using the Uninstaller located at following location (by default)
[Windows 32 bit]
C:\Program Files\SecurityXploded\FTPPasswordRecovery
[Windows 64 bit]
C:\Program Files (x86)\SecurityXploded\FTPPasswordRecovery
How to use?
FTP Password Recovery is console based tool, hence it must be launched from command prompt.
Here is the general usage information
FTPPasswordRecovery.exe -i <ipaddress> -p <port> -u <username> -f <passlist_file>
Example of FTP Password Recovery
// Perform FTP Password Recovery using Password List file
FTPPasswordRecovery.exe -i "" -p 21 -u "administrator" -f "c:\passlist.txt"